The Science and Culture Forum coordinates cultural diffusion and scientific dissemination policies at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Its purpose is to promote transversal actions between the different areas of knowledge and strengthen ties between the University and civil society.

The Forum was created on March 13, 1967 by decree 60.455 A, published by rector Raymundo Moniz de Aragão (1966-1969) in the UFRJ Bulletin. Its current structure is composed as follows: the Presidency, which is occupied by the rector; Board of Directors; Coordination; and five superintendences — Administration, Communication, Cultural Diffusion, Scientific Dissemination and Traditional Knowledge. In addition, the Pedro Calmon Library and Editora UFRJ are also part of the Forum structure.

The Board of Directors is made up of:

  • president of the Forum;
  • coordinator;
  • president of the Chamber of Brazilian Studies;
  • deans of university centers;
  • director of the National Museum;
  • a teacher representative;
  • a representative of former students;
  • three representatives from public or private organizations invited by the rectory.

The Forum also brings together eight supplementary bodies operating in the areas of scientific dissemination and cultural dissemination: National Museum, UFRJ Library and Information System (SIBI-UFRJ), Casa da Ciência, Brazilian College of Advanced Studies (CBAE), University of Citizenship , Radio and TV Center, System of Museums, Collections and Cultural Heritage of UFRJ (SIMAP-UFRJ) and Center for Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous Studies (Neabi).